Our vision
No one today can deny the impact of the textile industry on the environment, and for us it's more than a duty, it's a commitment that we set ourselves when we decided to launch PALEM in 2019: to protect this world that inspires us so much.

The brand's DNA is naturally built around 4 pillars:
The choice of exclusively natural materials or those derived from plant fibers to reduce our impact on the environment. Say goodbye to synthetics (which are not only polluting, but also anti-breathing).
Plastic Impact
Limiting the impact of plastic from our warehouses to our stores, plastic is tending to disappear: all our packaging is recycled, and we offer a tote bag to limit the use of bags. When we do have to use them, we try as far as possible to choose 100% recycled and recyclable plastic.

Slow fashion and zero waste
Slow fashion and zero waste: we responsibly produce 2 collections a year in limited quantities and recycle fabric residues by turning them into goodies that we give away to our customers.
Adding value to our products: our commitment also leads us to offer timeless, long-lasting products. We don't blindly follow the latest fashion trends.
Our aim is to provide a creative, high-quality offering that lasts.
Oceans protection
Since 202l PALEM has been working with 2 associations in Indonesia to protect and restore coral reefs: Cacal Guardian & Biorock Indonesia.