"L'Esprit Voyage", inspiring stories to share that resonate perfectly with our brand philosophy and our own story. These little pieces of life that our interviewees have agreed to share with us will inspire and transport you. More than ever, we all need to escape!

Today, we meet three-star chef Julien ROYER. His Odette restaurant in the heart of Singapore's iconic National Gallery and his daring French cuisine have earned him the title of Best Asian Restaurant for the second year running. Curious, eager to discover and share, last year he also opened his first restaurant in Hong Kong: Louise. Travel and cuisine are the undeniable rhythms in the life of this daring and generous young chef, whom we were delighted to meet for you.

Why do you travel? What do you gain from traveling?

Professionally, personally... Don't hesitate to give concrete examples, especially professionally.

For me, travel is an undeniable source of inspiration for my work. During my 12 years in Asia, I was lucky enough to travel a lot and learn a lot.

Does traveling today mean traveling differently?

Les questions dā€™environnement sont au cœur des preĢoccupations aujourdā€™hui, vos voyages vous ont-ils ameneĢ aĢ€ changer vos habitudes ?

En toute honneĢ‚teteĢ, pas vraiment. Ou pas assez en tout cas. Le grand changement aura tā€™il lieu un jour ? Je lā€™espeĢ€re mais jā€™en doute...

Un voyage marquant ?

Quel est le voyage qui vous a le plus toucheĢ ? Et en quoi ?Le Liban, Beyrouth.

Cette eĢnergie insolente, cette atmospheĢ€re unique, instable, eĢlectrique et envoutante

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